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STB adjustable thermostatic steam trap is a new product of thermostatic type. The temperature sensing element in the valve is equipped with temperature sensing agent, saturation agent, stabilizer, and filler composed of the temperature of the thermal expansion and contraction and state change, so that the valve automatically closed or opened, so as to achieve the purpose of preventing steam drainage. The selection of appropriate specifications will determine the temperature range of condensate discharge, and then can be adjusted in some ranges with adjusting screws according to the requirements of the situation. Widely used in petroleum, chemical, papermaking, medicine, food and other steam equipment, heating pipelines, heat blocking pipelines and small heat exchangers to take the most ideal choice of pipelines.
Class type
Field of application
Chemical, papermaking, medicine, food
1. The valve adopts the principle of thermal expansion and contraction of temperature sensing element to control opening and closing.
2, sensitive action, constant drainage temperature, not affected by pressure, energy saving effect is good.
3. Continuous drainage, no noise, small and lightweight design, easy installation, and can be installed at any Angle.
4, can automatically exclude air, no air lock phenomenon, but also adjust the drainage temperature.