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CS17H Adjustable bimetallic sheet temperature adjustable steam trap
Bimetal disc traps are the most robust of thermostatic steam traps. Its advantages are: not afraid of water strike, high pressure resistance, small size, light weight, not afraid of freezing, can automatically exhaust air, any position can be installed; The back pressure rate is greater than 80%.
The trap is suitable for steam pipe main pipe, pipe network heat tracing, instrument heat tracing, domestic heating and heating equipment that allows high temperature condensate water to drain, and has a wide range of use.
1. The discharge temperature of condensate can be adjusted to effectively use the sensible heat of condensate.
2. There is always condensate in front of the valve to form a water seal without steam leakage.
3. It can be installed at any Angle and the drainage temperature can be adjusted at any time.
4. Water strike resistance, excellent exhaust performance.
5. Spherical closing mode, long service life
Bimetal plate trap is a bimetal plate temperature sensing element to drive the valve core to switch the valve. When the device is just started, there is low-temperature condensate in the pipeline, the bimetal sheet is flat, and the spool is in the open position under the spring's elasticity. When the temperature of the condensate gradually rises, the temperature sensing element of the bimetal plate begins to bend and deform, and pushes the valve core to the closed position. The trap is completely closed before the condensate reaches saturation temperature. There is always high temperature condensate in front of the valve, no steam leakage, and good energy saving effect.